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You are your experiences........

Like it or not, acceptance of change is the process of living a full life. Experiences: creates knowledge, awareness and compassion beyond any text book explanations.

Marketing and advertising is very similar in regards to acceptance to change. Maybe it’s time to re-position, re-brand or maybe just “think” about how a new experience could affect an image, brand recognition, growth and potentially a new revenue stream?

If interested in someone who is completely committed, with enormous passion, who has handled niche, couture, fabulous clients and likes to color outside the lines – that’s what you’ll get.

Why the umbrellas? Sometimes you have to make the magic happen before it exists: creating synergy, awareness and always wearing lip gloss.
:: Market Strategy
:: Results-driven Advertising
Mantra: It's gotta be fun first, an adventure, while realizing there are always a few unknowns.
Delivering a greater business value to a client always makes for a great story.